Create SQL Scripts for Data in a table
On occasion I want to get data from a table and into a script – particularly when I want to create a deployment script for standing data that needs to be migrated between servers. Rather than hand-craft it this last time I’ve created the script below which, when given the name of a table, generates a union’d list of select statements that represent the data. With a slight modification this list can then be selected into a temporary table then joined back to the original in an update/insert to create a script that automatically maintains the data.
There are some caveats to this script though :
You have to delete the first ‘union’ in the resulting SQL.
It doesn’t handle dates correctly and potentially some other data types – I did write this in a hurry!
declare @tablename nvarchar(max)
set @tablename = 'testtable'
if not exists ( select [TABLE_NAME] from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where [TABLE_NAME] = @tablename )
declare @message nvarchar(max)
set @message = 'The table ' + @tablename + ' does not exist'
raiserror ( @message, 18, 0);
declare @sql nvarchar(max)
set @sql = ''
declare @newline nvarchar(2)
set @newline = char(13) + char(10)
select @sql = @sql
+ case when ORDINAL_POSITION > 1 then ' + '', '' + ' else '' end
+ case when IS_NULLABLE = 'YES' then 'isnull(' else '' end
+ case when NUMERIC_SCALE is not null or DATA_TYPE = 'bit' then 'convert(nvarchar, ' else '' end
+ case when CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH is not null then ' '''''''' + ' else '' end
+ '[' + isc.COLUMN_NAME + ']'
+ case when CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH is not null then ' + ''''''''' else '' end
+ case when NUMERIC_SCALE is not null or DATA_TYPE = 'bit' then ')' else '' end
+ case when IS_NULLABLE = 'YES' then ', ''null'')' else '' end
+ ' + '' as [' + COLUMN_NAME + ']' + ''''
+ @newline
isc.TABLE_NAME = @tablename
order by
set @sql = 'select ''union select '' + ' + @sql + ' from [' + @tablename + ']'
exec sp_executesql @sql