Creating a Dashboard in Aurelia
I’ve been using Aurelia for a few weeks now and I’m certainly appreciating it this far and feel like I’m having a lot less trouble understanding it than when I was learning AngularJS 1.x.
This post describes the steps I’ve taken to build a dashboard which I currently already have working in production using AngularJS but wanted to re-write in Aurelia as an experiment to see how well it works.
The dashboard looks a little like this:
| +---------------------------+ |
| | Carousel | |
| | | |
| +---------------------------+ |
| +------------+ +------------+ |
| | Shortcuts | | Stats | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| +------------+ +------------+ |
| |
| +------------+ +------------+ |
| | Results | | Tweets | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| +------------+ +------------+ |
It’s a take on master-detail where the carousel is the master and the other four widgets are the detail. Changing the carousel to a new item updates all the widgets below possibly hiding some that aren’t applicable.
Binding Master to Detail
So in this example I have a dashboard.html
and at the top of this template there is the <carousel>
<require from="./carousel"></require>
I’ll create another post regarding the <carousel>
but for now the important point here is that the items
attribute is bound to items
on the view model dashboard.js
export class DashboardViewModel {
items = [];
selectedItem = null;
So this view model defines a selectedItem
which will be kept up-to-date by the carousel (there’s code I’m leaving out here but that’s for the carousel blog :) )
The Importance of Show and If
Now back to those widgets. I’ll expand the dashboard.html
template further:
<div class="row" show.bind="selectedItem">
<div class="col-md-6">
<!-- Widgets goes here -->
<div class="col-md-6">
<!-- Widgets goes here -->
This defines the Bootstrap grid. But there’s something important to note. I’ve bound the div
attribute show
to the selectedItem
from the view model so that in the instance when the form is first drawn the widgets aren’t drawn.
However, binding to show
means that the framework continues to create the widgets beneath it and for me this was important so the widgets could initialise. If I’d bound to if
the initialise happens later and I miss out on important events.
Create a Widget
The dashboard contains functionality for Shortcuts, Stats, Results, and Tweets. I want each of those components to be agnostic of the dashboard and I want them to be displayed in a nice styled widget control with a header and icon.
So in dashboard.html
I want to be able to say something along the lines of this:
<div class="row" ...>
So <widget>
will bring along the styling and <shortcuts>
brings functionality but there are a couple of snags.
- The widget handles visibility but doesn’t know when it should be so it will need to delegate that with a binding.
- The shortcuts will bind to the
of the dashboard but it can’t access that now since it’s inside another component.
It’s easiest to show the solution and explain how it hangs together so here’s the dashboard code but corrected:
<div class="row" ...>
<template replace-part="item-template">
The widget is fairly basic so I’ll just show that without comment. Here’s widget.html
<div class="widget">
<div class="widget-header">
<i class="fa ${icon}"></i>
<div class="widget-content">
The view model widget.js
import "./widget.css!";
import {bindable} from "aurelia-framework";
export class Widget2CustomElement {
@bindable title;
@bindable icon;
bind(bindingContext) {
this.$parent = bindingContext;
I’ve omitted widget.css
since it’s rather large and not really relevant to this dicussion.
Skipping Generations
What is important in that last code snippet is the bind()
event which stores the bindingContext
. It wasn’t immediately obvious to me in the documentation but $parent
isn’t a built-in property but must be declared.
Now that the widget has a $parent
property we can solve the problem of components needing to access another component it’s contained within but several levels down. In this instance my shortcuts
can now bind it’s item
property to $parent.selectedItem
via the widget. Admittedly we might end up with a chain of $parent.$parent.$parent
but I think that’s acceptable.
Auto-Properties on Parents
The next conundrum was how <shortcuts>
can tell the widget whether it should be visible or not. The solution is already shown above but amounts to the following:
defines a @bindable visible
property which is then bound to a property on $parent
. I’ve declared showShortcuts
in dashboard.js
and then the widget binds to this property:
So I’m piggy-backing off <dashboard>
to ‘transmit’ the information from one component to another which isn’t perfect since I’d rather it be direct but it is simple and in this particular instance obvious.
I’ve covered a couple of methods I’ve used to pass data between components and I’ll to share more in future posts. My dashboard also renders graphs using Highcharts so I’ll cover that too.
Hopefully you’ve read something useful but please do comment on alternatives if you know of any :)
Post by: Philip Hendry