Philip Hendry's Blog
Sporadic musings from Philip Hendry

Don’t check in binaries files and ReSharper files into svn!!!

Oct 28, 2010 • Tip • Less than a minute read

Just added **.ReSharper _ReSharper. \bin \obj *.suo *.user** to the TortoiseSvn global ignore pattern so I don’t go checking in resharper files or binary folders that aren’t needed – not that I ever did this before but it had always been a job I did by hand during the initial check-in of a project.  Read →

Persisting Object Graphs/Collections to one or more SQL Server Tables in one Stored Procedure Call

Oct 12, 2010 • SQL Server, T-SQL • 3 min read

One of the methods I’ve used on a number of occasions to solve performance issues in an application is to reduce a number of calls to the database into one call. Using the classic order header and order detail example, rather than looping through each order and call the database for each item, I would prefer to pass the entire set of order detail to the database and persist it to the database with one T-Sql call. Taking it a step further, and possibly unnecessarily in this example, it would also be possible to pass the order header in the same call.  Read →

Strongly-typed ASP.NET Data-Binding

Sep 23, 2010 • ASP.NET • 4 min read

Update : Just thought I’d better highlight something before I get shot down! I could, of course, early-bind to data by saying DataField=”<%#((Employee)Container.DataItem).Name%>” but below I was exploring ways to leverage code generation I had to make the syntax better - not sure I’ve done that of course, but the journey was fun!!  Read →