Philip Hendry's Blog
Sporadic musings from Philip Hendry

Always close Your HTML Elements Properly

Sep 21, 2010 • ASP.NET • 1 min read

I’ve just had a strange error trying to write a noddy ASP.NET page using Microsoft Ajax. The error itself was Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object required which basically tells you nothing. This error was being thrown in Sys$WebForms$PageRequestManager$_initializeInternal by the line trying to access this._form.onsubmit. It would appear form is null! Looking up the call stack it originated from the Ajax initialize call : _Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager._initialize(‘scriptManager’, document.getElementById(‘form1’));. It would appear that the form element has not been closed yet and therefore the document.getElementById is searching for something that doesn’t exist.  Read →

Creating a shortcut key in Visual Studio 2008 to launch TortoiseSvn Diff

Sep 17, 2010 • Visual Studio • 1 min read

I wanted a quick and easy way to launch the TortoiseSvn configured diff tool showing me the differences between my saved working copy and the head version in source control. This article shows how.  Read →

Implementing a jQuery Browser history Plugin using microsoft Ajax History

Sep 14, 2010 • ASP.NET, jQuery • 5 min read

This article is a summary of the steps I took to produce a jQuery plugin that would create history points in the browsers history programmatically. In particular I wanted to create as simple an interface in the implementing page as possible and primarily needed to integrate with ASP.NET.  Read →