Philip Hendry's Blog
Sporadic musings from Philip Hendry

Calling SQL Server Stored Procedure Synonym fails with parameter error

Sep 2, 2010 • Problem, SQL Server, T-SQL • Less than a minute read

I’ve just tried to call a stored procedure in another database via a synonym but received an error ‘Procedure or function ‘LM_Employees_HasNewStoreTempsInStore’ expect parameter ‘@OrganisationLevelValueID’, which was not supplied.  Read →

Profiling Unit Tests in Visual Studio 2008

Aug 19, 2010 • Code, Dev Tools, Visual Studio • 1 min read

I had a particular set of tests that when run with a large test data set seemed to be taking a long time to run and so I wanted to check that it was simply the setup and teardown of the tests was taking the time and not the tests itself.  Read →

Manually converting a Visual studio project to include mvc Context menus

Aug 9, 2010 • ASP.NET MVC, Visual Studio • Less than a minute read

I’ve got a Visual Studio project that includes ASP.NET MVC controllers, models and view utilities but because it was not a Web Application I wasn’t getting any of the context menus for adding MVC elements. For example, ‘Controller’ was missing from the Add menu :  Read →