Philip Hendry's Blog
Sporadic musings from Philip Hendry

Problems Compiling Android Project After Importing Into A New Workspace

Jun 13, 2011 • Android, Eclipse • Less than a minute read

A couple of times now I’ve had compilation problems trying to compile an Android project after having just imported it into a new Workspace – and usually it seems to concern references to system packages. The solution seems to be:  Read →

Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar Formatting Javascript

Jun 1, 2011 • Dev Tools, Tip, Web • Less than a minute read

I’ve seen screens like this all the time:  Read →

Create SQL Scripts for Data in a table

Apr 8, 2011 • T-SQL • 2 min read

On occasion I want to get data from a table and into a script – particularly when I want to create a deployment script for standing data that needs to be migrated between servers. Rather than hand-craft it this last time I’ve created the script below which, when given the name of a table, generates a union’d list of select statements that represent the data. With a slight modification this list can then be selected into a temporary table then joined back to the original in an update/insert to create a script that automatically maintains the data.  Read →